Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine does not endorse any particular system or method but promotes the evaluation and appropriate use of all effective therapeutic approaches. Each issue contains a variety of disciplined inquiry methods, from case reports to original scientific research to systematic reviews. The editors encourage the integration of evidence-based emerging therapies with conventional medical practices by licensed health care providers in a way that promotes a comprehensive approach to health care that is focused on wellness, prevention, and healing. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine hopes to inform all licensed health care practitioners about developments in fields other than their own and to foster an ongoing debate about the scientific, clinical, historical, legal, political, and cultural issues that affect all of health care.
Andrew W. Campbell, MD, Editor in Chief
Dr. Campbell was born of an American father and a Swiss mother in Beirut, Lebanon. He graduated from a Swiss prep school at age 14, first in his class. He completed college in 3 years in the United States and obtained his medical degree in Mexico. Dr. Campbell trained at the Orlando Regional Medical Center in Orlando, Florida and at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, Georgia, before moving to Houston, Texas, where he was the medical director of the Medical Center for Immune and Toxic Disorders for over 20 years. He has held various leadership positions in hospitals in the Houston area.
Dr. Campbell served on the admissions committee for the University of Texas Medical School and as a volunteer faculty member. He founded the St. John Vianney Clinic for the indigent 27 years ago. He has served as president or vice-president of a number of medical organizations, both national and international. He has also been editor-in-chief, co-editor, associate editor and on the editorial board of several medical journals.
Dr. Campbell has received awards from many organizations, both medical and consumer, national and international. He is fluent in French, Spanish, Arabic, Hungarian and English. He has been on several television shows, including 20/20, the Montel Williams Show, 24 Hour Investigative News and has been interviewed by NBC, ABC and CBS affiliates throughout the United States as well as television programs in Canada and Mexico. Dr. Campbell has authored and co-authored chapters in medical textbooks and over 50 studies in peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. Campbell was born of an American father and a Swiss mother in Beirut, Lebanon. He graduated from a Swiss prep school at age 14, first in his class. He completed college in 3 years in the United States and obtained his medical degree in Mexico. Dr. Campbell trained at the Orlando Regional Medical Center in Orlando, Florida and at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, Georgia, before moving to Houston, Texas, where he was the medical director of the Medical Center for Immune and Toxic Disorders for over 20 years. He has held various leadership positions in hospitals in the Houston area.
Dr. Campbell served on the admissions committee for the University of Texas Medical School and as a volunteer faculty member. He founded the St. John Vianney Clinic for the indigent 27 years ago. He has served as president or vice-president of a number of medical organizations, both national and international. He has also been editor-in-chief, co-editor, associate editor and on the editorial board of several medical journals.
Dr. Campbell has received awards from many organizations, both medical and consumer, national and international. He is fluent in French, Spanish, Arabic, Hungarian and English. He has been on several television shows, including 20/20, the Montel Williams Show, 24 Hour Investigative News and has been interviewed by NBC, ABC and CBS affiliates throughout the United States as well as television programs in Canada and Mexico. Dr. Campbell has authored and co-authored chapters in medical textbooks and over 50 studies in peer-reviewed journals.
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